Data Products


Archiving Archiving tags (data loggers) gather positional and environmental data which stay on board the tag and can be accessed once the tag is retrieved after deployment. Using archived data, researchers can see a more complete picture of fine-scale horizontal and vertical movements of the...


Behavior To fully understand an animal, it’s important to know how they behave in their natural environment. Once a researcher gains insight into seeing how an animal responds to the environment, they can facilitate proper conservation strategies. Over the years, Wildlife Computers satellite tags have...


Environmental Using telemetry tags to track animals started in the 1960s with acoustic tagging.  Today, tags with sensors are worn by animals and collect various data from the far-reaching parts of the world where observation is technically or economically impossible. Over the last few years,...


Location Location data provides answers to the basic research questions like how do animals use their habitat? Where do they go and what do they do? The answers to these questions are key to understanding a species. Location data are also used to better understand...


Transmitting Transmitting telemetry tags gather positional, behavioral, and environmental data which are transmitted via the Argos satellite system to the Wildlife Computers Data Portal. Transmitting tags are essential for use on animals that are not easily recaptured. Satellite tags measure and store information, then send...

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