We are scientists building tags for scientists. Our aim is to partner with you in order to make your research successful. You know your animal; we know tags. Let’s work together.
Wildlife Computers is privileged to have an outstanding cadre of hardware and software engineers who are dedicated to helping our clients, especially those with special requirements. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the services we offer in more detail and how they can help you reach your research goals.
We want to be your technical partner. A strategic technical partner is someone you can depend on to keep you informed of advances in telemetry techniques and their potential applications. We take pride in knowing not only the state of the art in tags, but also the state of the art in marine animal behavioral sciences. We share our knowledge with you so you will be up-to-date on the latest capabilities.
Let us help you with your project. Contact us and we will get back to you soon.
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Email: email@sampleemail.com