180 days
109 x 32 x 26
The SPLASH10-283 is a data-archiving, Argos satellite transmitting tag designed for tracking vertical and horizontal movements of free-range marine animals like penguins.
The SPLASH10-283 tag works on any animal that exposes the tag above the surface of the water. The SPLASH10-283 has been used on sea turtles and pinnipeds but has been very successful on penguins.
Satellite trackers tell us where the penguins travel to when they are out at sea feeding.
Penguins are fitted with transmitters before they depart to sea to feed. The trackers transmit signals that can be detected by overhead satellites. Each time a satellite receives a tracker signal, the exact location of the bird can be calculated. These locations are plotted on a map, and the positions linked together to show the entire foraging trip of the penguin whilst at sea.