Digital Paintings Show Researcher’s Work in New Way

Elephant Seal with Wildlife Computers Mk9 TagArtist Danielle Dube worked with researchers at Año Nuevo Reserve as part of her Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History Art-Science residency to create digital paintings of elephant seals equipped with biologging instruments. These images will help researchers interpret their work to thousands of people!

In this image, the adult female northern elephant seal is chasing a myctophid fish (one of their most common prey items) and is wearing a SMRU CTD satellite tag on her head, a Wildlife Computers MK9 time-depth recorder, an ATS VHF transmitter, and a Little Leonardo “Kami Kami” jaw acceleration logger. She is also carrying a green flipper tag (to indicate she is from Año Nuevo) containing the tag number 1885 – one of our largest and deepest-diving seals (she is capable of diving to more than one mile deep!)

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