When communicating with a MiniPAT using Tag Agent, there’s an optional action to run a Test Transmission. One of the reasons to run a Test Transmission is to check the health of the battery. Tag Agent reports the results, but it also logs the results...

Human activities are increasing in the Arctic as declines in sea ice make the region more accessible. As seen in other areas, human activity can pose a risk if they overlap with hotspot regions. Identifying the marine hotspots and areas of high species richness are...

Wildlife Computers SPOT tags were deployed on blue whales in their summering grounds in northern Chilean Patagonia to gather data to provide recommendations for their conservation. This study highlights the importance of coastal waters and reinforces our knowledge about thermal fronts as important environmental drivers...

Shortfin mako sharks are pretty cool animals. This study used Wildlife Computers SPOT tags to track 9 mako sharks over the course of four years. The sharks were movers traveling across at least 12 jurisdictional boundaries. The movement ecology of this species, especially for mature...

To better understand how gentoo penguins respond to large-scale changes, researchers tracked individuals using Wildlife Computers SPOT tags during the non-breeding winter period from five colonies across breeding sites in the WAP. Results highlighted latitudinal gradients in movement; strong associations with shallow, coastal habitats along...

The foraging strategies of 39 lactating sea lions were studied using Wildlife Computers TDR tags. Researchers used an automated broken stick algorithm, hierarchical cluster analysis, and individually fitted multivariate hidden Markov models. The data showed that foraging strategies might be shaped by behavior or genes...

Two rehabbed loggerhead sea turtles were tracked using Wildlife Computers SPOT tags for five months in 2020 after being released from the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre WWF Policoro. Data from the turtles suggested that they have a very small home range in that area. This...

Check out this shark tagging comic book sponsored by Save Our Seas Foundation and the State of California. It is being distributed by the CSULB Shark Lab. It was created by Chris Lowe, Renato Bernal, and Corina Silva. It shows several techniques and highlights a...

Population management and conservation of the blue shark largely depended on bycatch and observer data. However, this study worked to expand the global understanding of the blue shark by correlating data from different satellite tag data. Most studies the researchers looked at used Wildlife Computers...

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