13 Jul Introducing the MiniPAT-390

Over the last three years, Wildlife Computers has put extensive effort and time into testing and reworking the nose cones on our pop-up tags. We incorporated knowledge from our old and current designs with new techniques to create a design that does it all.
Welcome to the MiniPAT-390. This new design is a single unit with an integrated nose cone, resulting in a more resilient attachment point. The nose cone is no longer separate from the tag and will not stay with the tether after the pin burns to pop-up. This new design is much easier to tether and provides better retention to the tether itself, increasing the probability of longer deployments.
The MiniPAT-390 has been field tested on numerous species including yellowfin and bluefin tuna (319-365 d deployments) and has already been integrated into our mrPAT tags with great success. The results of these field trials, where we did not see any reported pin breaks, coupled with our in-house testing, and the mrPAT performance, give us full confidence to switch from the current MiniPAT-348 to the MiniPAT-390 shape. The MiniPAT-390 will begin shipping in August 2022.