23 Jun Recent Research – April 2020 through June 2020
Posted at 14:32h in Newsletter
- Diving Behavior of the Reef Manta Ray (Mobula alfredi) in New Caledonia
- Antarctic Minke Whales Find Ice Gaps Along the Ice Edge
- The Importance of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico to Foraging Loggerhead Sea Turtles
- Testing Satellite Telemetry Within Narrow Ecosystems
- Delineating Foraging Grounds of a Loggerhead Turtle Population Through Satellite Tracking of Juveniles
- Cumulative Threats to Juvenile Green Turtles
- Wide Dispersal of Recently Weaned Grey Seal Pups
- Seasonal Diving and Foraging Behaviour of Eastern Canada-West Greenland Bowhead Whales
- Killer Whale Presence Drives Bowhead Whale Selection for Sea Ice in Arctic Seascapes of Fear
- Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Humpback Whales
- Stroke Effort and Relative Lung Volume Influence Heart Rate in Diving Sea Lions
- Flash and Grab: Deep-diving Southern Elephant Seals Trigger Anti-predator Flashes in Bioluminescent Prey
- The Efficacy of Illumination to Reduce Bycatch of Eulachon and Groundfishes Before Trawl Capture in the Rastern North Pacific Ocean Shrimp Fishery
- Reexamination of the Spawning Migration of Anguilla Dieffenbachii in Relation to Water Temperature and the Lunar Cycle
- Satellite Telemetry Reveals Spatial Overlap Between Vessel High-traffic Areas and Humpback Whales
- Effects of a Power Plant Closure on Home Ranges of Green Turtles
- Post-Release Monitoring of a Stranded and Rehabilitated Short-Finned Pilot Whale Reveals Current-Assisted Travel.
- Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Humpback Whales Inform the Use of Critical Pelagic Habitats in the Western South Pacific
- Contrasted Habitats and Individual Plasticity Drive the Fine Scale Movements of Juvenile Green Turtles in Coastal Ecosystems
- Diel Patterns in Swimming Behavior of a Vertically Migrating Deepwater Shark
- Evidence of Site Fidelity and Deep Diving Behaviour of Scalloped Hammerhead Shark
- Calibrating and Adjusting Counts of Harbor Seals in a Tidewater Glacier Fjord to Estimate Abundance and Trends 1992 to 2017
- Migration Patterns of Atlantic Halibut Captured in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as Assessed with Pop-up Satellite Archival and Floy Tags
- A Review of Canadian Arctic Killer Whale Ecology
- Tagging Atlantic Bluefin Tuna from a Mediterranean Spawning Ground Using a Purse Seiner
- Capture Stress and Post-release Mortality of Blacktip Sharks in recreational charter fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico
- Dolphinfish Movements in the Eastern Pacific Ocean of Mexico Using Conventional and Electronic Tags
- Variation in Monthly Sizes of Home‐ranges of Hooded Vultures in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa
- Crary Bank: A Deep Foraging Habitat for Emperor Penguins in the Western Ross Sea
- Updates on the Habitat Use and Migrations of Shortfin Mako in the Atlantic Using Satellite Telemetry
- Environmental drivers of Large‐scale Movements of Baleen Whales in the Mid‐North Atlantic Ocean
- Body Temperature Stability in the Whale Shark, the World’s Largest Fish
- Distribution and Abundance of Dalli-type Dall’s Porpoises
- Clutch Frequency for Loggerhead Turtles Nesting in Greece
- An Experimental Study of the Effects of Drag Due to Biotelemetry Devices on Juvenile Sea Turtles
- Behavioral Responses of Satellite Tracked Blainville’s Beaked Whales to Mid‐frequency Active Sonar
- Model‐based Clustering Reveals Patterns in Central Place Use of a Marine Top Predator
- Inter-individual Differences in the Foraging Behavior of Breeding Adélie Penguins are Driven by Individual Quality and Sex
- Sea Turtle Tagging in the Mariana Islands Training and Testing (MITT) Study Area
- Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks Swim on their Side with Diel Shifts in Roll Magnitude and Periodicity
- Large-scale Movements and Site Fidelity of Bull Sharks at Reunion Island
- Short-term Contract Tagging Programme 2019: The Atlantic-wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tune
- Defining Areas of Intensive Foraging Activity for a Top Marine Predator, the Antarctic Fur Seal: Compromises Between Effort and Accuracy
- Insights into the Horizontal Movements, Migration Patterns, and Stock Affiliation of California Swordfish
- Post-release Survivorship of Pacific Bluefin Tuna Captured in the California Recreational Fishery
- High Mortality Rates in a Juvenile Free‐ranging Marine Predator and Links to Dive and Forage Ability
- Evidence of Deep-sea Interactions Between Toothed Whales and Longlines
- Common Thresher Shark Movement: Bayesian Inference on a Data-limited Species
- Acceleration-triggered Animal-borne Videos Show a Dominance of Fish in the Diet of Female Northern Elephant Seals