31 Mar Recent Research – January 2021 through March 2021
Posted at 10:31h in Newsletter
- Quantifying the effects of pop-up satellite archival tags on the swimming performance and behavior of young-adult mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)
- Juvenile bearded seal response to a decade of sea ice change in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas
- Hunting by the stroke: How foraging drives diving behavior and locomotion of East-Greenland narwhals (Monodon monoceros)
- The basking shark Cetorhinus maximus: movement, behaviour and connectivity in the Northeast Atlantic
- Large-scale movements and site fidelity of two bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas estimated from a double-tagging experiment at Réunion Island (southwest Indian …
- Individuality counts: A new comprehensive approach to foraging strategies of a tropical marine predatorBigeye thresher shark Alopias superciliosus movements and post-release survivorship following capture on linked buoy gearPredicting seasonal movements and distribution of the sperm whale using machine learning algorithmsVertical and horizontal movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in southeastern TaiwanContinuous-Time Discrete-State Modeling for Deep Whale DivesDocumentation of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) space use and move persistence in the northern Gulf of Mexico facilitated by angler advocatesCan drifting objects drive the movements of a vulnerable pelagic shark?Post-release survival of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) following capture by Mexican flag longline fishing vessels in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
- Horizontal and vertical movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile porbeagles (Lamna nasus) in the western north Atlantic
- Satellite tracking of rehabilitated sea turtles suggests a high rate of short-term survival following release
- Reverse diel vertical movements of oceanic manta rays off the northern coast of Peru and implications for conservation
- Marine mammal hotspots in the Greenland and Barents Seas
- Residency and movement patterns of Cuvier’s beaked whales Ziphius cavirostris off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA
- Cervical air sac oxygen profiles in diving emperor penguins: parabronchial ventilation and the respiratory oxygen store
- On the straight and narrow: directed movement by Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) during on-ice travel
- Preliminary estimate of post-release survival of immature porbeagles caught with rod-and-reel in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- High resolution biologging of breaching by the world’s second largest shark species
- Interannual differences in postrelease movements of rehabilitated harbor seal pups (Phoca vitulina richardii) in the Salish Sea
- Coastal regions of the northern Antarctic Peninsula are key for gentoo populations
- Drivers of realized satellite tracking duration in marine turtles
- Using an omnidirectional video logger to observe the underwater life of marine animals: humpback whale resting behaviour
- Migrations of young spotted seals (Phoca largha) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan/East Sea, and the pattern of their use of seasonal habitats
- Seasonal migrations of pregnant blue sharks Prionace glauca in the northwestern Pacific
- Multiple satellite tracking datasets inform green turtle conservation at a regional scale
- New Insights Into the Seasonal Movement Patterns of Shortfin Mako Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico
- A methodological framework to predict the individual and population‐level distributions from tracking data
- Oceanographic conditions associated with white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) habitat use along eastern Australia
- Bringing the right fishermen to the table: Indices of overlap between endangered false killer whales and nearshore fisheries in Hawaiʻi
- Remote Predictions of Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Spawning in the Open Ocean Using Summarized Accelerometry Data
- Movements of marine and estuarine turtles during Hurricane Michael
- North Pacific warming shifts the juvenile range of a marine apex predator
- Isotope values from milk and blood serum in New Zealand sea lions: are pups feeding on milk a trophic level higher than their mothers?
- Climate-driven deoxygenation elevates fishing vulnerability for the ocean’s widest ranging shark
- Exposure to domoic acid is an ecological driver of cardiac disease in southern sea otters✰
- Evaluating the use of marine protected areas by endangered species: A habitat selection approach
- Optimising sample sizes for animal distribution analysis using tracking data
- Use of artificial illumination to reduce Pacific halibut bycatch in a US West Coast groundfish Bottom trawl
- Sustainability of Skipjack Tuna Fishery in Brazil
- Context-dependent variability in the predicted daily energetic costs of disturbance for blue whales
- Linking morbillivirus exposure to individual habitat use of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) between geographically different sites
- Evaluating the role of bycatch reduction device design and fish behavior on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) escapement rates from a pelagic trawl
- Intertrip consistency in hunting behavior improves foraging success and efficiency in a marine top predator
- First insights into the vertical habitat use of the whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari revealed by pop‐up satellite archival tags
- First Description of Migratory Behavior of Humpback Whales from an Antarctic Feeding Ground to a Tropical Breeding Ground
- Under‐ice mesocosms reveal the primacy of light but the importance of zooplankton in winter phytoplankton dynamics
- Changes in dive patterns of leatherback turtles with sea surface temperature and potential foraging habitats
- Defining priority areas for blue whale conservation and investigating overlap with vessel traffic in Chilean Patagonia, using a fast-fitting movement model
- Projected shifts in loggerhead sea turtle habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean due to climate change
- Life in the slow lane: Estimating the metabolic rate and trophic impact of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)
- Defining priority areas for blue whale conservation and investigating overlap with vessel traffic in Chilean Patagonia, using a fast-fitting movement model
- Luis Bedriñana‑Romano1, 2Ε, Rodrigo Hucke‑Gaete1, 2Ε, Francisco A. Viddi1, 2, Devin Johnson3
- The role of Accelerometry in the Conservation of two Coastal Marine Vertebrates
- Movements of green turtles from foraging areas of the United Arab Emirates: regional habitat connectivity and use of marine protected areas