24 Sep Recent Research – July 2020 through September 2020
Posted at 14:08h in Newsletter
- Some Like It Cold: Temperature‐dependent Habitat Selection by Narwhals
- High Fidelity of Sea Turtles to Their Foraging Grounds Revealed By Satellite Tracking and Capture-Mark-Recapture: New Insights for the Establishment of Key Marine …
- Environmental Drivers of Large‐scale Movements of Baleen Whales in the Mid‐North Atlantic Ocean
- Regional Movements of Reef Manta Rays (Mobula alfredi) in Seychelles Waters
- High Mortality Rates in a Juvenile Free‐ranging Marine Predator and Links to Dive and Forage Ability
- Brief Update on the Satellite Tagging of Atlantic Swordfish
- Can Drifting Objects Drive the Movements of a Vulnerable Pelagic Shark?
- Evidence of Site Fidelity and Deep Diving Behaviour of Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini) Around the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago
- Distribution and Abundance of Dalli-type Dall’s Porpoises Phocoenoides Dalli Migrating into Waters Off Southeastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Updates on the Habitat Use and Migrations of Shortfin Mako in the Atlantic Using Satellite Telemetry
- Insights into the Horizontal Movements, Migration Patterns, and Stock Affiliation of California Swordfish
- Geographic Variation in At-sea Movements, Habitat Use and Diving Behaviour of Female Cape Fur Seals
- Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks Swim on Their Side with Diel Shifts in Roll Magnitude and Periodicity
- Body Temperature Stability in the Whale Shark, the World’s Largest Fish
- Evidence of Deep-sea Interactions Between Toothed Whales and Longlines
- Defining Areas of Intensive Foraging Activity for a Top Marine Predator, the Antarctic Fur Seal: Compromises Between Effort and Accuracy
- Satellite Tagging and Photographic Identification Reveal Connectivity Between Two UNESCO World Heritage Areas for Reef Manta Rays
- Acceleration-triggered Animal-borne Videos Show a Dominance of Fish in the Diet of Female Northern Elephant Seals
- Movements, Habitat Utilization, and Post-release Survival of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) that Summer in Virginia Waters Assessed Using Pop-up Satellite …
- Tracking Atlantic Bluefin Tuna from Foraging Grounds off the West Coast of Ireland