Newsletter October 2019
GPE3 provides light-based geolocation estimates of movements from the light data collected by our tags. Learn more about the key benefits of using this statistically robust tool....
GPE3 provides light-based geolocation estimates of movements from the light data collected by our tags. Learn more about the key benefits of using this statistically robust tool....
Biofouling is a scourge for scientists and researchers using tags to collect data from marine animals. Not only does biofouling add drag and reduce overall hydrodynamic performance but can also impede, or worse, eliminate the tag’s ability to communicate with Argos satellites. When a tag breaches,...
Did you know you can share your Argos data with other program owners? All you need to do is create a guest account. Wildlife Computers created a worksheet- Creating-Argos-Guest-Account- to walk you through it but here are the basics. Navigate to the login screen of...
Wildlife Computers released new tags over the last few months. Our LIMPET (Low Impact Minimally Percutaneous Electronic Transmitter) tags are widely used for cetacean tracking. The small footprint allows for deployment high on a dorsal fin to enable frequent transmissions to the Argos satellites. Last...