02 Oct Newsletter October 2019
Wildlife Computers Releases New Tags
Wildlife Computers recently released two new types of tags—Benthic sPAT and LIMPET.

Determine Biofouling Through Data
If your tag’s performance isn’t what it used to be, check the data to see if it is biofouling.
Research & News
Wildlife Computers Tags Tracking Turtles in Kyparissia Bay
Read about Archelon’s tagging project in the Kyparissia Bay.
Recent Research
Our customers do amazing things including research on incredible animals using our tags. We’ve gathered all the recent research utilizing Wildlife Computers technology.
NOAA and Savoonga Track Cod Using MiniPATs
Wildlife Computers MiniPAT tags are tracking cod in the Bering Sea.
SPOT-253 Tags Tracking Juvenile Manta Rays
Researchers may have discovered a giant manta ray nursery. Now they are tacking them using tags to learn more.

Tips from the Experts
Do you need to share your Argos data with collaborators? Create a guest account.
Upcoming Events
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