Wildlife Computers released a new data product on the MiniPAT called Activity Time Series (ATS). ATS provides a transmittable metric of activity, that can be coupled with other time series data (temperature and/or depth). This new data product is a powerful new tool for studying...

Wildlife Computers launched a new website in March. Have you had a chance to take a look? You will notice several user improvements including a streamlined presentation of our tags by product line and taxa. You will also see our data products along with tools and...

We recently made some changes to our data portal. After talking to clients, we heard that uploading data into the portal was difficult if the files were too large. Wildlife Computers increased the upload limit to one gigabyte which should allow most files to upload...

Due to the June 2018 Supreme Court decision on South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., Wildlife Computers is required to collect sales tax on all orders shipping to the States of California and South Carolina placed on or after 01 April 2019. In the past, buyers were...

One of the biggest questions we get at Wildlife Computers is what do I need to do before I deploy my tags. We’ve created some documents that might help: Pre-deployment: Tag Checklist Pre-deployment: Portal Checklist Post-deployment: Portal Checklist Let’s run through Cliff’s Notes. Before every deployment, we...

Long‐term sound and movement recording tags to study natural behavior and reaction to ship noise of seals Feeding home ranges of pacific coast feeding group gray whales A hardware-accelerated particle filter for the geolocation of demersal fishes Satellite Tracking of Coastal Bryde’s Whales Balaenoptera...

GPE3 provides light-based geolocation estimates of movements from the light data collected by our tags. Learn more about the key benefits of using this statistically robust tool....

The new live map feature is delighting clients around the world. We are continually adding features including a flashing icon to indicate an active tag and the ability to hover over a location to see additional details. Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium posted a great...

Nigel Hussey, Bob Hodgson, and Shannon MacPhee stopped by the Wildlife Computers office recently and told us all about their latest research project. Nigel and Bob’s project started out as a standard research project but morphed into a larger ecosystem project encompassing Greenland sharks, Narwhals,...

One of the most enjoyable parts of my job at Wildlife Computers is interacting with scientists, attending conferences, and scanning the literature to see and hear all the creative ways that electronic tags are being used. Most researchers approach us with what appears to be...

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