Rees et al (2020) used Wildlife Computers SPOT tags to track 21 female Loggerhead turtles in Greece. Their results confirm the benefit of using tracking technologies to determine Clutch Frequency estimates for marine turtles. Consequently, these benefits also allow for better population estimates and highlight...

Ontogenetic Niche Partitioning In Southern Elephant Seals From Argentine Patagonia Influence Of Hunting Strategy On Foraging Efficiency In Galapagos Sea Lions Normalizing Home Ranges Of Immature Kemp's Ridley Turtles (Lepidochelys Kempii) In An Important Estuarine Foraging Area To Better Assess Their Spatial Distribution Marcatura...

Check out this quarter's newsletter for a look at how to initialize your tags prior to deployment and how to use haul-out mode for other things besides pinniped research.    ...

In January, SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket with 143 nanosatellites—a record number of spacecraft on a single mission—five of which were from a Swiss company called Astrocast. Wildlife Computers joined the Astrocast Pilot Program in 2020 to evaluate Astrocast's network as a supplement to...

Quantifying the effects of pop-up satellite archival tags on the swimming performance and behavior of young-adult mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Juvenile bearded seal response to a decade of sea ice change in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas Hunting by the stroke: How foraging drives...

The haul-out function is much more useful than first meets the eye. Not only will it alert you if the tag comes out of the water but it also improves Argos tag initialization results by extending the initialization transmission duration due to the slower haul-out...

We know not all animals can survive being released from a fishing net after an inadvertent capture, that’s one reason we developed the Wildlife Computers sPAT tag. This tag helps monitor the survivorship of an animal for up to 60 days after release. There are...

Instead of staying near Antarctic shelf breaks and enjoying ALL the krill, Antarctic minke whales appear to search for areas with gaps in the ice and then hang out there until the surrounding ice melts. It really is neat what you can discover with some...

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