A Wildlife Computers survivorship pop-up tag (sPAT) pops off an animal after a set number of days unless a death event occurs—inferred from a combination of light and depth levels. Researchers deployed sPAT tags on olive ridley sea turtles captured in fish trawlers in Gabon,...

SPOT tags are highly versatile location trackers for rugged marine applications. The SPOT-387 is no exception. This tough little tag (only 59 mm long and 39 g) stands up to what a turtle can throw at it including bumping and rubbing against hard surfaces. The SPOT-387...

Do you find yourself wading through a sea of data? An unorganized data portal is like sitting in front of a desk and searching through piles of paperwork. The Wildlife Computers Data Portal allows users to create and apply up to five custom labels by...

It’s always good to know where great white sharks are likely to be swimming. That’s true if you’re a nervous beachgoer, a fishing boat trying to avoid illegal bycatch, or a marine biologist hoping to conserve this vulnerable species....

It’s always good to know where great white sharks are likely to be swimming. That’s true if you’re a nervous beachgoer, a fishing boat trying to avoid illegal bycatch, or a marine biologist hoping to conserve this vulnerable species....

According to recent research from the University of Washington, it looks like Great White Sharks are partial to hot tubs too. Two female great white sharks were tagged with Wildlife Computers SPOT tags that measured the location and one that recorded depth and temperature. After capturing data,...

If you’ve kept undeployed tags in the refrigerator in “Stop” mode for a while, you should consider pulling them out of fridge and giving them some exercise to remove the passivation layer surrounding the tag’s battery. To do this, we recommend hooking up your tag...

Check out the tracks from two White-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) tagged by Andre Botha in June 2017 with prototype Wildlife Computers Rainer-S20 tags in Gorongoza National Park, Mozambique. The red tracked bird just returned to GNP after a two-month foraging trip around Zimbabwe, briefly popping into...

A new study by Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines (LAMAVE), Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) and Tubbataha Management Office (TMO) tracked juvenile whale sharks across the Philippines. The Philippines is an important hotspot for whale sharks and hosts a large population. A Wildlife Computers SPOT satellite...

Over Thanksgiving, a group of biologists and Argos tag manufacturers from many countries gathered in Toulouse, France, to share their work using the Argos system at the European Users Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW). During the forum, they featured many of the noteworthy projects using...

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