Seals can tell us a lot about environmental changes in our oceans. Researchers tagged 34 ringed seals from 2007-2009 with Wildlife Computers SPLASH tags. The tags provided location, dive and haulout data. The study found three things; when adults and subadults were in the same area...

32 Wildlife Computers SPOT and SPLASH tags were used to reveal key habitat use and home ranges for hawksbill turtles in the Virgin Islands. Researchers found these turtles are movers as migration paths spanned over 3,000 km and foraging sites were in 14 different countries. So...

Wildlife Computers CEO, Melinda Holland, recently returned from a trip to Inuvik to join the Inuvialuit Game Council, Fisheries Joint Management Committee-FJMC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada for a Beluga-tagging workshop. The new beluga tagging program used live capture methods to tag the animals. The...

A new project studied shortfin mako sharks to see if they are ocean nomads or coastal residents. Figuring out which is pretty important for fisheries management as many end up in billfish and/or tuna nets. Researchers used Wildlife Computers SPOT and SPLASH tags to track location,...

A new study theorized the influences of the ontogeny of diving behavior of juvenile marine air-breathing predators. The study used a new generation of Wildlife Computers satellite tags that enabled a new method of collecting, abstracting, and transmitting accelerometer and dive data via the Argos satellite...

A new paper uses the whisker length of northern elephant seals to study how “stable isotope analysis of keratinized tissues” can tell them more on foraging ecology. The study used Wildlife Computers SPOT and Mk-9 tags to study location and diving behavior data corresponding to the...

Wildlife Computers released a new data product on the MiniPAT called Activity Time Series (ATS). ATS provides a transmittable metric of activity, that can be coupled with other time series data (temperature and/or depth). This new data product is a powerful new tool for studying...

Wildlife Computers launched a new website in March. Have you had a chance to take a look? You will notice several user improvements including a streamlined presentation of our tags by product line and taxa. You will also see our data products along with tools and...

We recently made some changes to our data portal. After talking to clients, we heard that uploading data into the portal was difficult if the files were too large. Wildlife Computers increased the upload limit to one gigabyte which should allow most files to upload...

Due to the June 2018 Supreme Court decision on South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., Wildlife Computers is required to collect sales tax on all orders shipping to the States of California and South Carolina placed on or after 01 April 2019. In the past, buyers were...

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