This study examines the movements of narwhals in the Scoresby Sound. Researchers gathered data from Wildlife Computers SPOT, SPLASH, and CTD tags to attempt to integrate oceanographic profiling with diving and foraging behavior. The research found that narwhals avoided swimming into water warmer than 2°C....

Researchers looked to fill the data gap in the variability in habitat use and movement patterns in tiger sharks. They used Wildlife Computers SPOT tags on 56 tiger sharks over the course of eight years to analyze the overlap of core habitats. The study revealed...

Do Pacific hake and Chinook salmon like the light? Researchers took a look at illuminated and non-illuminated trawlers to see the by-catch of hake and salmon. They used a Wildlife Computers TDR-MK9 archival tag to measure the light level and temperature. The study found that...

Wildlife Computers SPOT-352 tags were deployed on 18 female and six male green sea turtles. Researchers tracked three turtles from the foraging area in Abu Dhabi to the nesting site in Oman and back. The combination of satellite tracking and laparoscopy to track sea turtles suggest...

This student thesis studies the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish. These animals are extremely prone to bycatch because of their long, toothed rostrum getting caught in shrimp nets. The study collected data from Wildlife Computers PAT tags and looked at whether sex or length has influence over the...

Habitat loss and degradation of nesting beaches due to marine and coastal development and tourism, collision with vessels, marine pollution, and illegal trade are only a few of the threats to marine turtle populations caused by human activities. The project, “Conservation of Marine Turtles in...

Gaining insight into animal movements is a key component in any study. Once data is collected from a tag during the course of a research study, it is time to process it. A .wch file recovered from the archive of a Wildlife Computers tag will contain...

NOAA has been tracking monk seals through the Hawaiian Archipelago for over two decades. Now you can view all of the tracks at the Animal Telemetry Network. Studying how these animals use their environment is a crucial part of NOAA's larger effort to understand the...

Meg Lamont, Daniel Catizone, and Darren Johnson recently published a paper documenting the home ranges and movements of two tagged diamondback terrapins in northwest Florida. The diamondback terrapin is a “small estuarine turtle distributed along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the USA that is threatened...

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