01 Apr Newsletter April 2020
Redmond Office Closure
Our Redmond facility is closed for two weeks due to a statewide closure of non-essential businesses.

New Portal Update Improves Location Accuracy for Fastloc® Users
Our new process limits the number of outliers in your data to provide a noticeable improvement in locations.
SPOT-395 Showing Results
We introduced our “teenage” turtle tag a few months ago and are starting to see exceptional results. Learn more about some cool deployments in Israel and Australia.

Research & News
Implications of Tag Positioning and Performance on the Analysis of Cetacean Movement
Learn more about how tag placement affects tag performance.
Recent Research
Our customers do amazing things including research on incredible animals using our tags. We’ve gathered all the recent research utilizing Wildlife Computers technology.
North Atlantic Blue Whale Study
This new study shows some cool data on the diving patterns of blue whales.
Where is Yoshi?
Follow the story of Yoshi, the loggerhead sea turte who is travelling the ocean blue after a near-fatal injury.
Loggerhead Diving Behavior
Scientists used two different Wildlife Computers SPLASH tags to gather baseline information on diving in relation to temperature and productivity in Loggerhead sea turtles.
Post-release Survivorship of Bigeye Thresher Sharks
Researchers used Wildlife Computers sPAT and MiniPAT tags to study survivorship of released bigeye thresher shark.
The Dark Side of the Black Caiman
A study, the first of its kind, showed research on dietary ecology and movement of the black caiman.
An Approach for Detecting Drift Dives and Tracking Buoyancy Changes in Southern Elephant Seals
Researchers studied over 17,622 high-resolution dive profiles from Wildlife Computers tags to detect drift dives and buoyancy changes in southern elephant seals.
Behavioral Responses of Satellite Tracked Blainville’s Beaked Whales to Mid-frequency Active Sonar
One of the largest samples of beaked whales were tracked using Wildlife Computers SPOT-240 and SPLASH10 tags. The data showed that the whales moved away from the sonar area and changed their diving behavior.
Seasonal Spatial Segregation in Blue Sharks
54 blue sharks were tagged with Wildlife Computers SPOT tags between 2004-2012. The research showed some interestering data.

Tips from the Experts
Step Lock can help save a tag’s battery life especially when the tag will always be wet and collecting data.
Upcoming Events
We are on the road throughout the year. Stop by or find us to see what’s new. Due to our ever-changing world, these are subject to change:
- Tuna Conference
- 5th Australian Marine Turtle Symposium
- 7th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium
If you don’t see us on the road, connect with us online!